Creativity & Innovation
In this section, there are articles related to hearing loss. These articles will help you to be aware of the symptoms of hearing loss and if these symptoms appear, go to the hearing clinic and, if the audiologist has the discretion, a hearing aid that suitable for your hearing loss will be prescribed and fit.

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People’s hearing loss is different from each other and depends on factors such as age, cause of hearing loss, etc. Pejvak Ava hearing aid is made …
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Pejvak Ava hearing aids help users communicate with the people they see every day; reducing noise provides clearer speech and more detailed speech …
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Hearing problems can affect your social life. Communicating with your surroundings can be challenging, such as holding a conversation in a crowded …
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Conductive hearing loss means a type of hearing loss that is caused by damage or obstruction in the outer or middle ear. This prevents the …
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Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is the result of damage to the tiny hair cells in the inner ear. The causes of sensorineural hearing loss can be …
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Mixed hearing loss is when a person has transitional hearing loss at the same time as sensorineural hearing loss…
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Tinnitus is a common symptom of age-related hearing loss, frequent exposure to loud noises, ear infections, or earwax buildup. It can often be …
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Behind-the-phone hearing aids are versatile and easy-to-use supportive hearing aids. That’s why behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are our most …
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RIC hearing aids are similar to behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids, with one major difference. The receiver or speaker is placed inside the ear …
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ITE hearing aids are custom made to your ear anatomy and are simply placed in your outer ear and ear canal …