Professional Care For You Hear


Professional Care For You Hear

Maximize Intelligence, Minimize Noise

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Pejvak Ava hearing aids help users communicate with the people they see every day; reducing noise provides clearer speech and more detailed speech in noisy environments.Pejvak Ava hearing aids can provide these facilities to people by using the following features:

Adaptive feedback canceller

The feedback elimination circuit in Pajhwok Ava hearing aids uses adaptive filtration technology known as phase cancellation. The advantages of this technology include faster adaptation time, more stable gain and better resistance bubble. Bubble refers to the tendency of the feedback elimination circuit to be confused with tone-like sounds. This issue can lead to a whistling or squeaking sound from the hearing aid. Anti-bubble functions are used to prevent problems from single and multiple single and compound loud sounds. This circuit operates at frequencies of 750 to 6750 Hz and can be activated or deactivated separately in each program.

Layered Noise Reduction

Our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit works to remove noise between spoken syllables and also reduce background noise. From Since this circuit responds to noise in all intensities and in all layers, it replaces the expansion function at low intensity levels.

Adaptive Directional microphone processing

Pajvak Ava hearing aids automatically change from Omni to Directional when the environment changes, and as a result, there is no need to change the program to change the function of the microphones