Professional Care For You Hear

Conversations Shine For Everyone


Pejvak Ava hearing aids enhance auditory experiences, providing clear sound perception. Improved hearing allows for richer interactions, connecting with joy in voices. Elevate your listening pleasure with pejvak ava, engaging in vibrant conversations and shared moments.


Pejvak Ava hearing aids are designed to provide an integrated listening experience, and due to the technologies used in the hearing aids, including the use of two microphones and noise reduction technology, these hearing aids can be used in noisy environments and received speech with better clarity

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :

– He/She is not startled by loud noises or turns his/her head towards the sound

– He/She starts talking later than other children of her/his age

– His/Her speech is indistinct compared to other children of her/his age

– He/She wants the TV to be loud

– Like other children of her/his age, he/she does not understand and follow instructions

– He/She has problems at school

Wide Range Of Styles & Colors

People’s hearing loss is different from each other and depends on factors such as age, cause of hearing loss, etc. Pejvak Ava hearing aid is made to meet the needs of different people with different types of hearing loss. We design Pejvak Ava hearing aids around you and your special needs and tastes. Since everyone’s hearing loss is different, we have a wide range of models. Our hearing aids are strong and reliable enough for everyday activities. They come in a wide range of colors to match your hair and skin tonality.

Explore Pejvak Ava models

Conversations shine for everyone

Luminous Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Baby Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Gas Comrade

Natural gas and carbon monoxide detection system has extra loud alarms as well as flashing strobe lights, depending on your need.

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Sos Comrade

Personal alarms are a convenient way for elderly or disabled people who live alone to call for help if they are injured,…

Master Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Door Bell Comrade

Doorbell signalers There are doorbell signalers which work with or without an existing doorbell to make sure you know when someone is at the door.

Vibrator Bracelet

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Rama (BTE)

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Motion Comrade

Our Motion Detector keeps an eye on the inside of your home. Use it as part of the alarm system.

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Rama Thin-Tube

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Asha (RIC)

These hearing aids are battery-powered, making it very easy to use with the Change Program button and Volume Up/Reduce on the hearing aid. …


This model of hearing aid is suitable for people with severe to profound hearing loss and is very easy to use with the volume up/down button on …

Mitr IIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr CIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITE

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Maximize Intelligence, Minimize Noise

Pejvak Ava hearing aids help users communicate with the people they see every day; reducing noise provides clearer speech and more detailed speech in noisy environments. Pejvak Ava hearing aids can provide these facilities to people by using the following features:

Benefits of treating hearing loss

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

Benefits of treating hearing loss

Communicate with confidence

You may fear being ridiculed for wearing a hearing aid, but in reality, wearing a hearing aid is far less noticeable than not being able to hear.
Benefits of treating hearing loss

Enjoy the things you love

When spending time with our loved ones or our hobbies can have a positive impact on our lives. It's worth taking the time to treat your hearing loss so you can hear better, so you have more energy to do what you love.
Benefits of treating hearing loss

Use a hearing aid that suits your hearing loss

Pejvak Ava hearing aids come in a variety of styles that are smaller and more discreet than people think. By choosing the style of hearing aid that's right for you, you can enjoy the benefits of good hearing.
People’s hearing loss is different from each other and depends on factors such as age, cause of hearing loss, etc. Pejvak Ava hearing aids are made to meet the needs of different people with different types of hearing loss. We design Pejvak Ava hearing aids around you and your special needs and tastes. Since everyone’s hearing loss is different, we have a wide range of models. Our hearing aids are strong and reliable enough for everyday activities. And they come in a wide range of colors to match your hair and skin tone. Pejvak Ava Behind-the- ear (BTE) hearing aids are produced with the general name of Rama, RIC or Receiver In the Canal hearing aids are produced with the general name of Asha, in the ear (ITE), in the canal (ITC), completely in the canal (CIC) and invisible in the canal (IIC) hearing aids are produced with the general name of Mitr and superpower hearing aids are produced with the general name of Vayu.Behind-the-Ear hearing aids are produced in different strengths including standard, medium, power and superpower, which makes their use suitable for all people with all types of hearing loss. These hearing aids use 312,13,675 batteries. Depending on the degree of hearing loss, RIC hearing aids can vary from standard strengths to power depending on the ability to move the receiver. In the ear hearing aids are made in different sizes such as ITE, ITC, CIC, IIC, which can cover different hearing losses.

Hearing loss articles

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

What is hearing loss?

Hearing problems can affect your social life. Communicating with your surroundings can be challenging, such as holding a conversation in a crowded restaurant or attending a live music concert. With hearing loss, you may experience withdrawing from social situations and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. The impact of hearing loss on the quality of life can be significant.
Hearing loss makes it difficult or impossible to hear speech and other sounds. There are different types of hearing loss and it can range from mild, moderate, severe or profound. Some types of hearing loss are temporary and some are permanent.

Transmissive hearing loss

Transmissive hearing loss means a type of hearing loss that is caused by damage or obstruction in the outer or middle ear. This prevents the effective transmission of sound from the outside world to the inner ear.
Causes of transitional hearing loss:
The causes of conductive hearing loss can be found in two areas: the outer ear and the middle ear. Because there are various causes of transient hearing loss, it can be permanent or temporary.
External ear causes of transient hearing loss:
An obstruction of anything that blocks. …

hearing loss

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :
• They Are Not Startled By Loud Noises Or Turn Their Heads Towards The Sound • They Start Talking Later Than Other Children Of Their Age • Their Speech Is Unclear Compared To Other Children Of Their Age • They Want The TV To Be Loud • They Do Not Understand And Follow Instructions Like Other Children Their Age • They Have Problems At School
What Are The Symptoms Of Hearing Loss?
The First Symptoms Of Hearing Loss Are Hardly Noticeable Because They Usually Appear Gradually. They May Include: • Hearing Problems In Noisy Places • Hearing Buzzing Or Ringing In The Ears • Difficulty Hearing People On The Phone Or If They Are Not Facing You • Often Ask People To Repeat What They Say • Hearing Voices Muffled, As If People Are Whispering • The Need For The TV Volume To Be Louder Than Other People • Avoiding Situations Because You Have Difficulty Hearing
What if I lose hearing in only one ear ?
Hearing loss in one ear is possible for various reasons. It is not due to aging which affects both ears. If you have hearing loss in one ear, it is very important to protect the hearing in the other ear. If you have normal hearing in your other ear, you can probably hear and communicate normally most of the time. It may be harder for you to hear when there is background noise. This is especially true if the person talking to you is on your “bad” side. You will probably have trouble identifying where the sound is coming from. Be careful when crossing the road, driving, or doing anything else where you need to know the direction of the sound to stay safe.
When should I seek help?
If you are concerned about your hearing and are experiencing any of the symptoms of hearing loss, see an audiologist for a hearing test. A hearing test can determine the type and severity of your hearing loss. If you’re not sure, you might want to take an online hearing test. This test is only a guide and is not as accurate as a hearing test performed by an audiologist.
What does it mean if I suddenly lose my hearing?
Sudden onset hearing loss occurs when you suddenly lose your hearing in less than 3 days. Sometimes people wake up with hearing loss. This is an emergency. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by many reasons. These include infection, stroke, head injury, medications, or other health conditions. In most cases, no cause is found. You may also experience tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. If you get treatment quickly, you have a better chance of recovery. If no cause is found, you may be prescribed a steroid medication that can help improve your hearing. In some people, the hearing loss will be permanent. Sudden transient hearing loss can also have many causes, such as wax, ear infection, or injury. You may also have tinnitus. See your doctor right away to make sure there is no other cause and to find out what treatment you may need.
What happens during a hearing test ?
During the hearing test, you will listen to a series of sounds through headphones. You will frequently be asked to show when you hear them. This results in a graph of your hearing called an audiogram. Based on that audiogram, the audiologist can tell you at what frequencies and intensity you are able to hear sounds. This will ultimately determine if you have hearing loss and if so how much.
How is the degree of hearing loss defined in the chart?
Audiologists sometimes use a diagram called a “speech banana.” This diagram explains the occurrence of sounds used in everyday human speech in the audiogram. Showing the degree of hearing loss on a graph helps explain how hearing loss affects speech perception.
What treatment do I need for hearing loss?
Some types of hearing loss cannot be cured, and to compensate for the effects of hearing loss, you must use things like hearing aids or cochlear implants, etc. The choice of treatment method is different according to the amount and type of hearing loss.
Can I prevent hearing loss ?
Most types of hearing loss are permanent, so it’s important to prevent hearing loss before it occurs. If you have hearing damage, you can still prevent it from getting worse. The best way to protect your hearing is to limit your exposure to loud noises.
To prevent hearing damage
• Keep your music, TV and radio down. You should be able to easily understand someone speaking at one meter. • If you are using headphones or handsfree, keep the volume down. It should not be loud enough for someone next to you to hear. • Use earplugs or ear protection equipment in noisy workplaces and for noisy activities such as mowing the lawn. • Take a sound break if you are in a noisy environment. • If you can, use headphones or headphones that reduce loud background noise. • Wear earplugs in clubs, live music events and other loud places. Take frequent breaks and stand away from speakers. • The workplace has rules about noise levels. If you work in a noisy environment, you should have access to ear protection. If not, talk to your workplace health and safety officer.


Professional Care For You Hear


Conversations Shine For Everyone

Pejvak Ava hearing aids enhance auditory experiences, providing clear sound perception. Improved hearing allows for richer interactions, connecting with joy in voices. Elevate your listening pleasure with pejvak ava, engaging in vibrant conversations and shared moments.


Pejvak Ava hearing aids are designed to provide an integrated listening experience, and due to the technologies used in the hearing aids, including the use of two microphones and noise reduction technology, these hearing aids can be used in noisy environments and received speech with better clarity

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :

– He/She is not startled by loud noises or turns his/her head towards the sound

– He/She starts talking later than other children of her/his age

– His/Her speech is indistinct compared to other children of her/his age

– He/She wants the TV to be loud

– Like other children of her/his age, he/she does not understand and follow instructions

– He/She has problems at school

Wide Range Of Styles & Colors

People’s hearing loss is different from each other and depends on factors such as age, cause of hearing loss, etc. Pejvak Ava hearing aid is made to meet the needs of different people with different types of hearing loss. We design Pejvak Ava hearing aids around you and your special needs and tastes. Since everyone’s hearing loss is different, we have a wide range of models. Our hearing aids are strong and reliable enough for everyday activities. They come in a wide range of colors to match your hair and skin tonality.

Explore Pejvak Ava models

Conversations shine for everyone

Baby Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Door Bell Comrade

Doorbell signalers There are doorbell signalers which work with or without an existing doorbell to make sure you know when someone is at the door.

Master Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Gas Comrade

Natural gas and carbon monoxide detection system has extra loud alarms as well as flashing strobe lights, depending on your need.

Rama (BTE)

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Luminous Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Vibrator Bracelet

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Sos Comrade

Personal alarms are a convenient way for elderly or disabled people who live alone to call for help if they are injured,…

Motion Comrade

Our Motion Detector keeps an eye on the inside of your home. Use it as part of the alarm system.

Rama Thin-Tube

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Asha (RIC)

These hearing aids are battery-powered, making it very easy to use with the Change Program button and Volume Up/Reduce on the hearing aid. …


This model of hearing aid is suitable for people with severe to profound hearing loss and is very easy to use with the volume up/down button on …

Mitr IIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr CIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITE

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Maximize Intelligence, Minimize Noise

Pejvak Ava hearing aids help users communicate with the people they see every day; reducing noise provides clearer speech and more detailed speech in noisy environments. Pejvak Ava hearing aids can provide these facilities to people by using the following features:

Benefits of treating hearing loss

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

Benefits of treating hearing loss

Communicate with confidence

You may fear being ridiculed for wearing a hearing aid, but in reality, wearing a hearing aid is far less noticeable than not being able to hear.
Benefits of treating hearing loss

Enjoy the things you love

When spending time with our loved ones or our hobbies can have a positive impact on our lives. It's worth taking the time to treat your hearing loss so you can hear better, so you have more energy to do what you love.
Benefits of treating hearing loss

Use a hearing aid that suits your hearing loss

Pejvak Ava hearing aids come in a variety of styles that are smaller and more discreet than people think. By choosing the style of hearing aid that's right for you, you can enjoy the benefits of good hearing.
People’s hearing loss is different from each other and depends on factors such as age, cause of hearing loss, etc. Pejvak Ava hearing aids are made to meet the needs of different people with different types of hearing loss. We design Pejvak Ava hearing aids around you and your special needs and tastes. Since everyone’s hearing loss is different, we have a wide range of models. Our hearing aids are strong and reliable enough for everyday activities. And they come in a wide range of colors to match your hair and skin tone. Pejvak Ava Behind-the- ear (BTE) hearing aids are produced with the general name of Rama, RIC or Receiver In the Canal hearing aids are produced with the general name of Asha, in the ear (ITE), in the canal (ITC), completely in the canal (CIC) and invisible in the canal (IIC) hearing aids are produced with the general name of Mitr and superpower hearing aids are produced with the general name of Vayu.Behind-the-Ear hearing aids are produced in different strengths including standard, medium, power and superpower, which makes their use suitable for all people with all types of hearing loss. These hearing aids use 312,13,675 batteries. Depending on the degree of hearing loss, RIC hearing aids can vary from standard strengths to power depending on the ability to move the receiver. In the ear hearing aids are made in different sizes such as ITE, ITC, CIC, IIC, which can cover different hearing losses.

Hearing loss articles

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

What is hearing loss?

Hearing problems can affect your social life. Communicating with your surroundings can be challenging, such as holding a conversation in a crowded restaurant or attending a live music concert. With hearing loss, you may experience withdrawing from social situations and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. The impact of hearing loss on the quality of life can be significant.
Hearing loss makes it difficult or impossible to hear speech and other sounds. There are different types of hearing loss and it can range from mild, moderate, severe or profound. Some types of hearing loss are temporary and some are permanent.

Transmissive hearing loss

Transmissive hearing loss means a type of hearing loss that is caused by damage or obstruction in the outer or middle ear. This prevents the effective transmission of sound from the outside world to the inner ear.
Causes of transitional hearing loss:
The causes of conductive hearing loss can be found in two areas: the outer ear and the middle ear. Because there are various causes of transient hearing loss, it can be permanent or temporary.
External ear causes of transient hearing loss:
An obstruction of anything that blocks. …

hearing loss

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :
• They Are Not Startled By Loud Noises Or Turn Their Heads Towards The Sound • They Start Talking Later Than Other Children Of Their Age • Their Speech Is Unclear Compared To Other Children Of Their Age • They Want The TV To Be Loud • They Do Not Understand And Follow Instructions Like Other Children Their Age • They Have Problems At School
What Are The Symptoms Of Hearing Loss?
The First Symptoms Of Hearing Loss Are Hardly Noticeable Because They Usually Appear Gradually. They May Include: • Hearing Problems In Noisy Places • Hearing Buzzing Or Ringing In The Ears • Difficulty Hearing People On The Phone Or If They Are Not Facing You • Often Ask People To Repeat What They Say • Hearing Voices Muffled, As If People Are Whispering • The Need For The TV Volume To Be Louder Than Other People • Avoiding Situations Because You Have Difficulty Hearing
What if I lose hearing in only one ear ?
Hearing loss in one ear is possible for various reasons. It is not due to aging which affects both ears. If you have hearing loss in one ear, it is very important to protect the hearing in the other ear. If you have normal hearing in your other ear, you can probably hear and communicate normally most of the time. It may be harder for you to hear when there is background noise. This is especially true if the person talking to you is on your “bad” side. You will probably have trouble identifying where the sound is coming from. Be careful when crossing the road, driving, or doing anything else where you need to know the direction of the sound to stay safe.
When should I seek help?
If you are concerned about your hearing and are experiencing any of the symptoms of hearing loss, see an audiologist for a hearing test. A hearing test can determine the type and severity of your hearing loss. If you’re not sure, you might want to take an online hearing test. This test is only a guide and is not as accurate as a hearing test performed by an audiologist.
What does it mean if I suddenly lose my hearing?
Sudden onset hearing loss occurs when you suddenly lose your hearing in less than 3 days. Sometimes people wake up with hearing loss. This is an emergency. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by many reasons. These include infection, stroke, head injury, medications, or other health conditions. In most cases, no cause is found. You may also experience tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. If you get treatment quickly, you have a better chance of recovery. If no cause is found, you may be prescribed a steroid medication that can help improve your hearing. In some people, the hearing loss will be permanent. Sudden transient hearing loss can also have many causes, such as wax, ear infection, or injury. You may also have tinnitus. See your doctor right away to make sure there is no other cause and to find out what treatment you may need.
What happens during a hearing test ?
During the hearing test, you will listen to a series of sounds through headphones. You will frequently be asked to show when you hear them. This results in a graph of your hearing called an audiogram. Based on that audiogram, the audiologist can tell you at what frequencies and intensity you are able to hear sounds. This will ultimately determine if you have hearing loss and if so how much.
How is the degree of hearing loss defined in the chart?
Audiologists sometimes use a diagram called a “speech banana.” This diagram explains the occurrence of sounds used in everyday human speech in the audiogram. Showing the degree of hearing loss on a graph helps explain how hearing loss affects speech perception.
What treatment do I need for hearing loss?
Some types of hearing loss cannot be cured, and to compensate for the effects of hearing loss, you must use things like hearing aids or cochlear implants, etc. The choice of treatment method is different according to the amount and type of hearing loss.
Can I prevent hearing loss ?
Most types of hearing loss are permanent, so it’s important to prevent hearing loss before it occurs. If you have hearing damage, you can still prevent it from getting worse. The best way to protect your hearing is to limit your exposure to loud noises.
To prevent hearing damage
• Keep your music, TV and radio down. You should be able to easily understand someone speaking at one meter. • If you are using headphones or handsfree, keep the volume down. It should not be loud enough for someone next to you to hear. • Use earplugs or ear protection equipment in noisy workplaces and for noisy activities such as mowing the lawn. • Take a sound break if you are in a noisy environment. • If you can, use headphones or headphones that reduce loud background noise. • Wear earplugs in clubs, live music events and other loud places. Take frequent breaks and stand away from speakers. • The workplace has rules about noise levels. If you work in a noisy environment, you should have access to ear protection. If not, talk to your workplace health and safety officer.


Professional Care For You Hear


Conversations Shine For Everyone

Pejvak Ava hearing aids enhance auditory experiences, providing clear sound perception. Improved hearing allows for richer interactions, connecting with joy in voices. Elevate your listening pleasure with pejvak ava, engaging in vibrant conversations and shared moments.


Pejvak Ava hearing aids are designed to provide an integrated listening experience, and due to the technologies used in the hearing aids, including the use of two microphones and noise reduction technology, these hearing aids can be used in noisy environments and received speech with better clarity

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :

– He/She is not startled by loud noises or turns his/her head towards the sound

– He/She starts talking later than other children of her/his age

– His/Her speech is indistinct compared to other children of her/his age

– He/She wants the TV to be loud

– Like other children of her/his age, he/she does not understand and follow instructions

– He/She has problems at school

Wide Range Of Styles & Colors

People’s hearing loss is different from each other and depends on factors such as age, cause of hearing loss, etc. Pejvak Ava hearing aid is made to meet the needs of different people with different types of hearing loss. We design Pejvak Ava hearing aids around you and your special needs and tastes. Since everyone’s hearing loss is different, we have a wide range of models. Our hearing aids are strong and reliable enough for everyday activities. They come in a wide range of colors to match your hair and skin tonality.

Explore Pejvak Ava models

Conversations shine for everyone

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Motion Comrade

Our Motion Detector keeps an eye on the inside of your home. Use it as part of the alarm system.

Door Bell Comrade

Doorbell signalers There are doorbell signalers which work with or without an existing doorbell to make sure you know when someone is at the door.

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Gas Comrade

Natural gas and carbon monoxide detection system has extra loud alarms as well as flashing strobe lights, depending on your need.

Rama (BTE)

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Sos Comrade

Personal alarms are a convenient way for elderly or disabled people who live alone to call for help if they are injured,…

Luminous Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Vibrator Bracelet

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Master Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Baby Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Rama Thin-Tube

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Asha (RIC)

These hearing aids are battery-powered, making it very easy to use with the Change Program button and Volume Up/Reduce on the hearing aid. …


This model of hearing aid is suitable for people with severe to profound hearing loss and is very easy to use with the volume up/down button on …

Mitr IIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr CIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITE

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Maximize Intelligence, Minimize Noise

Pejvak Ava hearing aids help users communicate with the people they see every day; reducing noise provides clearer speech and more detailed speech in noisy environments. Pejvak Ava hearing aids can provide these facilities to people by using the following features:

Benefits of treating hearing loss

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

Benefits of treating hearing loss

Communicate with confidence

Benefits of treating hearing loss

Enjoy the things you love

Benefits of treating hearing loss

Use a hearing aid that suits your hearing loss

People’s hearing loss is different from each other and depends on factors such as age, cause of hearing loss, etc. Pejvak Ava hearing aids are made to meet the needs of different people with different types of hearing loss. We design Pejvak Ava hearing aids around you and your special needs and tastes. Since everyone’s hearing loss is different, we have a wide range of models. Our hearing aids are strong and reliable enough for everyday activities. And they come in a wide range of colors to match your hair and skin tone. Pejvak Ava Behind-the- ear (BTE) hearing aids are produced with the general name of Rama, RIC or Receiver In the Canal hearing aids are produced with the general name of Asha, in the ear (ITE), in the canal (ITC), completely in the canal (CIC) and invisible in the canal (IIC) hearing aids are produced with the general name of Mitr and superpower hearing aids are produced with the general name of Vayu.Behind-the-Ear hearing aids are produced in different strengths including standard, medium, power and superpower, which makes their use suitable for all people with all types of hearing loss. These hearing aids use 312,13,675 batteries. Depending on the degree of hearing loss, RIC hearing aids can vary from standard strengths to power depending on the ability to move the receiver. In the ear hearing aids are made in different sizes such as ITE, ITC, CIC, IIC, which can cover different hearing losses.

Hearing loss articles

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

What is hearing loss?

Hearing problems can affect your social life. Communicating with your surroundings can be challenging, such as holding a conversation in a crowded restaurant or attending a live music concert. With hearing loss, you may experience withdrawing from social situations and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. The impact of hearing loss on the quality of life can be significant.
Hearing loss makes it difficult or impossible to hear speech and other sounds. There are different types of hearing loss and it can range from mild, moderate, severe or profound. Some types of hearing loss are temporary and some are permanent.

Transmissive hearing loss

Transmissive hearing loss means a type of hearing loss that is caused by damage or obstruction in the outer or middle ear. This prevents the effective transmission of sound from the outside world to the inner ear.
Causes of transitional hearing loss:
The causes of conductive hearing loss can be found in two areas: the outer ear and the middle ear. Because there are various causes of transient hearing loss, it can be permanent or temporary.
External ear causes of transient hearing loss:
An obstruction of anything that blocks. …

hearing loss

Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :
• They Are Not Startled By Loud Noises Or Turn Their Heads Towards The Sound • They Start Talking Later Than Other Children Of Their Age • Their Speech Is Unclear Compared To Other Children Of Their Age • They Want The TV To Be Loud • They Do Not Understand And Follow Instructions Like Other Children Their Age • They Have Problems At School
What Are The Symptoms Of Hearing Loss?
The First Symptoms Of Hearing Loss Are Hardly Noticeable Because They Usually Appear Gradually. They May Include: • Hearing Problems In Noisy Places • Hearing Buzzing Or Ringing In The Ears • Difficulty Hearing People On The Phone Or If They Are Not Facing You • Often Ask People To Repeat What They Say • Hearing Voices Muffled, As If People Are Whispering • The Need For The TV Volume To Be Louder Than Other People • Avoiding Situations Because You Have Difficulty Hearing
What if I lose hearing in only one ear ?
Hearing loss in one ear is possible for various reasons. It is not due to aging which affects both ears. If you have hearing loss in one ear, it is very important to protect the hearing in the other ear. If you have normal hearing in your other ear, you can probably hear and communicate normally most of the time. It may be harder for you to hear when there is background noise. This is especially true if the person talking to you is on your “bad” side. You will probably have trouble identifying where the sound is coming from. Be careful when crossing the road, driving, or doing anything else where you need to know the direction of the sound to stay safe.
When should I seek help?
If you are concerned about your hearing and are experiencing any of the symptoms of hearing loss, see an audiologist for a hearing test. A hearing test can determine the type and severity of your hearing loss. If you’re not sure, you might want to take an online hearing test. This test is only a guide and is not as accurate as a hearing test performed by an audiologist.
What does it mean if I suddenly lose my hearing?
Sudden onset hearing loss occurs when you suddenly lose your hearing in less than 3 days. Sometimes people wake up with hearing loss. This is an emergency. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by many reasons. These include infection, stroke, head injury, medications, or other health conditions. In most cases, no cause is found. You may also experience tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. If you get treatment quickly, you have a better chance of recovery. If no cause is found, you may be prescribed a steroid medication that can help improve your hearing. In some people, the hearing loss will be permanent. Sudden transient hearing loss can also have many causes, such as wax, ear infection, or injury. You may also have tinnitus. See your doctor right away to make sure there is no other cause and to find out what treatment you may need.
What happens during a hearing test ?
During the hearing test, you will listen to a series of sounds through headphones. You will frequently be asked to show when you hear them. This results in a graph of your hearing called an audiogram. Based on that audiogram, the audiologist can tell you at what frequencies and intensity you are able to hear sounds. This will ultimately determine if you have hearing loss and if so how much.
How is the degree of hearing loss defined in the chart?
Audiologists sometimes use a diagram called a “speech banana.” This diagram explains the occurrence of sounds used in everyday human speech in the audiogram. Showing the degree of hearing loss on a graph helps explain how hearing loss affects speech perception.
What treatment do I need for hearing loss?
Some types of hearing loss cannot be cured, and to compensate for the effects of hearing loss, you must use things like hearing aids or cochlear implants, etc. The choice of treatment method is different according to the amount and type of hearing loss.
Can I prevent hearing loss ?
Most types of hearing loss are permanent, so it’s important to prevent hearing loss before it occurs. If you have hearing damage, you can still prevent it from getting worse. The best way to protect your hearing is to limit your exposure to loud noises.
To prevent hearing damage
• Keep your music, TV and radio down. You should be able to easily understand someone speaking at one meter. • If you are using headphones or handsfree, keep the volume down. It should not be loud enough for someone next to you to hear. • Use earplugs or ear protection equipment in noisy workplaces and for noisy activities such as mowing the lawn. • Take a sound break if you are in a noisy environment. • If you can, use headphones or headphones that reduce loud background noise. • Wear earplugs in clubs, live music events and other loud places. Take frequent breaks and stand away from speakers. • The workplace has rules about noise levels. If you work in a noisy environment, you should have access to ear protection. If not, talk to your workplace health and safety officer.