Professional Care For You Hear

Conversations Shine For Everyone

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :
– He/She is not startled by loud noises or turns his/her head towards the sound
– He/She starts talking later than other children of her/his age
– His/Her speech is indistinct compared to other children of her/his age
– He/She wants the TV to be loud
– Like other children of her/his age, he/she does not understand and follow instructions
– He/She has problems at school
Wide Range Of Styles & Colors

Explore Pejvak Ava models
Conversations shine for everyone
Door Bell Comrade
Baby Comrade
Luminous Comrade
Rama (BTE)
Comrade Vibrator
Gas Comrade
Vibrator Bracelet
Comrade Vibrator
Sos Comrade
Master Comrade
Motion Comrade
Rama Thin-Tube
Asha (RIC)
Mitr IIC
Mitr CIC
Mitr ITC
Mitr ITE

Maximize Intelligence, Minimize Noise
Benefits of treating hearing loss
Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:
Communicate with confidence
Enjoy the things you love
Use a hearing aid that suits your hearing loss
Hearing loss articles
Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

What is hearing loss?
Hearing problems can affect your social life. Communicating with your surroundings can be challenging, such as holding a conversation in a crowded restaurant or attending a live music concert. With hearing loss, you may experience withdrawing from social situations and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. The impact of hearing loss on the quality of life can be significant.
Hearing loss makes it difficult or impossible to hear speech and other sounds. There are different types of hearing loss and it can range from mild, moderate, severe or profound. Some types of hearing loss are temporary and some are permanent.

Transmissive hearing loss
Transmissive hearing loss means a type of hearing loss that is caused by damage or obstruction in the outer or middle ear. This prevents the effective transmission of sound from the outside world to the inner ear.
Causes of transitional hearing loss:
The causes of conductive hearing loss can be found in two areas: the outer ear and the middle ear. Because there are various causes of transient hearing loss, it can be permanent or temporary.
External ear causes of transient hearing loss:
An obstruction of anything that blocks. …
hearing loss
Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:
Professional Care For You Hear

Conversations Shine For Everyone

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :
– He/She is not startled by loud noises or turns his/her head towards the sound
– He/She starts talking later than other children of her/his age
– His/Her speech is indistinct compared to other children of her/his age
– He/She wants the TV to be loud
– Like other children of her/his age, he/she does not understand and follow instructions
– He/She has problems at school

Wide Range Of Styles & Colors
Explore Pejvak Ava models
Conversations shine for everyone
Rama (BTE)
Luminous Comrade
Comrade Vibrator
Motion Comrade
Vibrator Bracelet
Door Bell Comrade
Comrade Vibrator
Sos Comrade
Master Comrade
Gas Comrade
Baby Comrade
Rama Thin-Tube
Asha (RIC)
Mitr IIC
Mitr CIC
Mitr ITC
Mitr ITE

Maximize Intelligence, Minimize Noise
Benefits of treating hearing loss
Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:
Communicate with confidence
Enjoy the things you love
Use a hearing aid that suits your hearing loss
Hearing loss articles
Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

What is hearing loss?
Hearing problems can affect your social life. Communicating with your surroundings can be challenging, such as holding a conversation in a crowded restaurant or attending a live music concert. With hearing loss, you may experience withdrawing from social situations and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. The impact of hearing loss on the quality of life can be significant.
Hearing loss makes it difficult or impossible to hear speech and other sounds. There are different types of hearing loss and it can range from mild, moderate, severe or profound. Some types of hearing loss are temporary and some are permanent.

Transmissive hearing loss
Transmissive hearing loss means a type of hearing loss that is caused by damage or obstruction in the outer or middle ear. This prevents the effective transmission of sound from the outside world to the inner ear.
Causes of transitional hearing loss:
The causes of conductive hearing loss can be found in two areas: the outer ear and the middle ear. Because there are various causes of transient hearing loss, it can be permanent or temporary.
External ear causes of transient hearing loss:
An obstruction of anything that blocks. …
hearing loss
Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:
Professional Care For You Hear

Conversations Shine For Everyone

Your Child May Have Hearing Loss If :
– He/She is not startled by loud noises or turns his/her head towards the sound
– He/She starts talking later than other children of her/his age
– His/Her speech is indistinct compared to other children of her/his age
– He/She wants the TV to be loud
– Like other children of her/his age, he/she does not understand and follow instructions
– He/She has problems at school
Wide Range Of Styles & Colors
Explore Pejvak Ava models
Conversations shine for everyone
Luminous Comrade
Sos Comrade
Rama (BTE)
Baby Comrade
Gas Comrade
Master Comrade
Vibrator Bracelet
Comrade Vibrator
Motion Comrade
Comrade Vibrator
Door Bell Comrade
Rama Thin-Tube
Asha (RIC)
Mitr IIC
Mitr CIC
Mitr ITC
Mitr ITE

Maximize Intelligence, Minimize Noise
Benefits of treating hearing loss
Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:
Communicate with confidence
Enjoy the things you love
Use a hearing aid that suits your hearing loss
Hearing loss articles
Some people think that getting hearing aids is time consuming and affects their appearance. The truth is that treating hearing loss has many more benefits than not doing it at all. The benefits of treating hearing loss include the following:

What is hearing loss?
Hearing problems can affect your social life. Communicating with your surroundings can be challenging, such as holding a conversation in a crowded restaurant or attending a live music concert. With hearing loss, you may experience withdrawing from social situations and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. The impact of hearing loss on the quality of life can be significant.
Hearing loss makes it difficult or impossible to hear speech and other sounds. There are different types of hearing loss and it can range from mild, moderate, severe or profound. Some types of hearing loss are temporary and some are permanent.

Transmissive hearing loss
Transmissive hearing loss means a type of hearing loss that is caused by damage or obstruction in the outer or middle ear. This prevents the effective transmission of sound from the outside world to the inner ear.
Causes of transitional hearing loss:
The causes of conductive hearing loss can be found in two areas: the outer ear and the middle ear. Because there are various causes of transient hearing loss, it can be permanent or temporary.
External ear causes of transient hearing loss:
An obstruction of anything that blocks. …