Professional Care For You Hear


Professional Care For You Hear

Mitr IIC

Head Product : Mitr

Product Model : Invisible in the Canal Hearing Aids

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types of hearing loss from mild to deep.

Core Features

Hearing aids are recognized as a vital technology in improving the quality of life of people with hearing problems, and today, with advanced features, these devices offer significant improvements in the hearing experience of users. One of the key features of modern hearing aids is noise reduction technology. This technology allows hearing aids to detect and reduce ambient noise, so users will be able to focus more on important sounds and conversations.

With the expansion of the use of hearing aids, this technology increasingly plays a role in attracting attention and influencing people’s social life. People who use hearing aids are able to participate more effectively in group and social activities and participate in more active conversations. Also, these devices play an important role in increasing the self-confidence of people with hearing problems, because they allow them to communicate better and participate in daily activities. Therefore, hearing aids are considered as an effective tool in improving social communication and increasing the motivation of people with hearing problems.

WDRC Technology

The number of hearing aids using Wide Range Dynamic Compression (WDRC) technology is increasing, and this augmentation strategy is now used in most hearing aid designs. Studies comparing WDRC to linear hearing aids have reported improvements in performance and preference, especially in cases with moderate sensorineural hearing loss. The goal of WDRC hearing aids is to keep a range of input sound intensity at a comfortable listening level by automatically adjusting the amplification features. Thus, compared to linear amplification, WDRC hearing aid users should be able to experience a wider range of ambient intensities without the need for manual adjustment of noise/gain control. This is a very useful feature for those who have limited manual skill and use (CIC) hearing aids. Pejvak ava hearing aids use this technology.

Noise Reduction

Our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit works to eliminate noise between speech syllables as well as reduce background noise. Since this circuit responds to noise at all intensities and at all layers, it replaces expansion performance at low intensity levels.

Adaptive Feedback Canceller

The feedback elimination circuit in Pejvak Ava Hearing Aids uses adaptive filtration technology known as phase cancellation. The advantages of this technology include faster adaptation time، more stable gain and better resistance bubble. Bubbles are the tendency of feedback elimination circuits to be confused with sounds like tones. This can lead to a whistling or chirping sound from hearing aids. Anti-bubble functions are used to prevent problems caused by single and multiple tones as well as loud compound sounds. It operates at frequencies from 750 to 6750 Hz and can be either active or deactivated separately in each application.

The complete Pejvak Ava family

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Vibrator Bracelet

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Luminous Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Master Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Baby Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Sos Comrade

Personal alarms are a convenient way for elderly or disabled people who live alone to call for help if they are injured,…

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Motion Comrade

Our Motion Detector keeps an eye on the inside of your home. Use it as part of the alarm system.

Gas Comrade

Natural gas and carbon monoxide detection system has extra loud alarms as well as flashing strobe lights, depending on your need.

Door Bell Comrade

Doorbell signalers There are doorbell signalers which work with or without an existing doorbell to make sure you know when someone is at the door.

Rama (BTE)

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Rama Thin-Tube

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Asha (RIC)

These hearing aids are battery-powered, making it very easy to use with the Change Program button and Volume Up/Reduce on the hearing aid. …


This model of hearing aid is suitable for people with severe to profound hearing loss and is very easy to use with the volume up/down button on …

Mitr IIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr CIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITE

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…