Professional Care For You Hear


Professional Care For You Hear

Luminous Comrade

Head Product : Rehabilitation

Product Model : Alarms and Alerting Devices

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired

Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss. Specially-designed alarm clocks for people who have hearing loss come in many forms, including those that have built-in strobe lights or bed-shakers and those that have an outlet where you can plug in a vibrating alert, or a lamp to wake you up each morning.

Core Features

Alerting devices mostly use types of signals like:

Visual: A bright flashing light
Vibrotactile: A vibrating or shaking component

Based on your opinion, Vibro-tactile could be a bracelet or a pocket size cube. Every piece of the system has a special sign on bracelet/pocket size cube/ Light. For example if the doorbell comrade activates you can see red light, if the Baby Comrade activates the yellow light.


Visual: A bright flashing light Vibrotactile: A vibrating or shaking component Auditory: increased volume and use of lower frequency sounds

The complete Pejvak Ava family

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Vibrator Bracelet

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Luminous Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Master Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Baby Comrade

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Sos Comrade

Personal alarms are a convenient way for elderly or disabled people who live alone to call for help if they are injured,…

Comrade Vibrator

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired Hearing a standard alarm clock can be a challenge for people with hearing loss.

Motion Comrade

Our Motion Detector keeps an eye on the inside of your home. Use it as part of the alarm system.

Gas Comrade

Natural gas and carbon monoxide detection system has extra loud alarms as well as flashing strobe lights, depending on your need.

Door Bell Comrade

Doorbell signalers There are doorbell signalers which work with or without an existing doorbell to make sure you know when someone is at the door.

Rama (BTE)

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Rama Thin-Tube

These hearing aids are battery-powered and enhanced with our proprietary version of the noise reduction circuit, to eliminate noise between speech …

Asha (RIC)

These hearing aids are battery-powered, making it very easy to use with the Change Program button and Volume Up/Reduce on the hearing aid. …


This model of hearing aid is suitable for people with severe to profound hearing loss and is very easy to use with the volume up/down button on …

Mitr IIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr CIC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITC

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…

Mitr ITE

These hearing aids come in many different types, made for your ears to make you feel more comfortable with them and can be used for different types…